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Coffee Maker


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Arabica Specialty Ethiopia Uraga

COFFEE GRADE:Guji Uraga Gr. 1 Natural

FARM/COOP/STATION:Tabe Burka Washing Station

VARIETAL:JARC 74110, JARC varieties , Local Landraces


ALTITUDE:1,800 to 2,200 meters above sea level

OWNER:Farmers delivering to Tabe Burka Washing Station



PROFILE NOTES : Sweet Cherry

Netto : 100gr

The Guji region receives ample rainfall and is marked by steep mountainous terrain: perfect conditions to support the vast array of coffee grown here. Guji coffee has only recently been distinguished from neighboring Sidamo and Yirgacheffe. However, due to their incredible quality and unique profiles, they are quickly gaining international recognition.

Grades in Ethiopia depend on visual inspection for defects and on cup quality. Grade 1 is considered the highest quality coffee. Grade 1 and 2 are considered specialty coffee, grade 3-9 are classified as commercial coffee. Grade 1 is free of cup faults and taints and has zero quakers.


1. Harap mengindikasikan bentuk orderan (BIJI atau BUBUK), jika dalam bentuk BUBUK harap tulis jenis gilingan (Halus/ Medium/Kasar) yg diinginkan di kolom keterangan. ORDERAN TANPA KETERANGAN OTOMATIS AKAN DIKIRIM DLM BENTUK BIJI.

2. Roasted profile: Light to Medium Roast (before 2nd crack), maka warna luar biji kopi tidak mungkin rata / belang-belang, lain halnya jika Dark Roast warna luar biji kopi akan rata menyeluruh.

3. Kopi yg dikirim diroasting dalam jangka waktu min. 1 hari dan max. 3 hari dari tgl orderan

Arabica Specialty Ethiopia Uraga

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